Links to our MusiCure websites and to our partners 

MusiCure Stream with more than 30 hours of original evidence-based MusiCure material

MusiCureStream is our own exclusive streaming service with 6 separate channels containing all original MusiCure music and nature films.

Niels Eje: Founder, composer and oboist

Creator of the entire MusiCure music catalouge with more than  20 hours of evidence-based music programs and the original MusiCure albums

     Niels Eje Wikipedia 

Inge Mulvad Eje: Founder, producer og cellist

With more than 34 nature films, carefully edited to the MusiCure music (without speak) Inge presents atmospheres from many countries and locations - all featured at our own streaming platform.
Subscriptions can be made at:  

Partners and associates -  with links to media and articles about MusiCure 


“We improve the lives of both patients and healthcare workers and create a healing sound environment by delivering music as medicine to healthcare facilities.”

Scandic Health    MusiCure on Princess Cruises     Dr. Savoca
See also press release about Scandic Health og MusiCure in USA:  Innovative Danish sound solution - Healthcare Denmark

OUH - Odense and Svendborg 

OUH SVENDBORG: Test and implementation of MusiCurestream and the pillows
OUH ODENSE: Anesthesiology Intensive Care Unit and Recovery Ward:  NATUREN GIVER PATIENTERNE RO 

Links to collaborators in Denmark, Europe and USA

Scandic Health USA
“We improve the lives of both patients and healthcare workers and create a healing sound environment by delivering music as medicine to healthcare facilities.”

Wellness Nordic   -Sensory-stimulating aids for increased well-being.

Center for Mental Robusthed -Specializes in training of mental robustness, strengthening well-being, mental health promotion and prevention of stress.

Chromaviso - Ergonomic Light has wide application in several different specialties at hospital wards and institutions.

Philips Healthcare Europe
MusiCure in Healthcare ApS has entered into a supply agreement as 3rd party supplier (Sustainability supplier agreement) with PHILIPS Healthcare Europe in 2023.

MusiCure and Wellness Nordic at the Bella Center - Copenhagen


Rapport from North Zealand Hospital using the MusiCure Pillow for delirium 

patients with positive results -see report in English

After publishing very positive results with MusiCure Pillow for delirium patients at two Danish hospitals, three other hospitals are now testing the pillow on the same patient group.

All the projects with the pillow and delirium patients show positive results. According to the leading nurses conducting the procedures, it is found that the majority of patients come out of their delirium faster, use less medication, greater patient satisfaction are achieved, and valuable time and resources are made available for the staff.

See Tv feature on Danish TV2 Lorry