Research and clinical studies

More than 20 years of development and the study of results from research with this music form the foundation for the creation of MusiCure, and the music is used today in a wide variety of different types of treatment and research projects in many countries. Since 2003, independent researchers and professional therapists from several countries have conducted medical studies with MusiCure. The results of these studies and controlled trials are today published in several international medical journals, including: Heart & Lung - The Journal of Acute and Critical Care , European journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Pediatric Anesthesia etc.
Examples of published research include studies with MusiCure for heart surgery patients at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden, where physiological measurements also showed significant fluctuations in hormone balance, with reduction of stress hormone and increased production of oxytocin in the 'music group' patients, compared to the 'control group'. Also from Sweden, studies with children in day surgery have shown a great reduction in use of morphine for the children who listened to the music. Research in the United States has also shown decreased feelings of anxiety in patients who underwent cardiogram studies and listened to music during the procedure - to mention just a few selected examples.
     The published articles describing research studies using MusiCure as 'music medicine' and therapy shows
• Significantly reduced feelings of stress, anxiety and pain
      • A decrease in use of medication and drugs (tranquilizers, morphine, sleeping pills, etc.)
      • Lowering of the body’s production of hormone cortisol (stress hormone)
      • Increase in production of hormone oxytocin ("peace/love hormone")
      • Generally – an increased sense of calmness, well-being, motivation and inspiration.

Research with MusiCure in special areas

Treatment of PTSD with MusiCure

Treatment of PTSD with MusiCure provided the background for the Danish Military to send Musicure Pillows to soldiers stationed in Iraq and Kosovo.

MusiCure against anxiety
and stress

Patients in Acute treatment are offered the MusiCure Pillow during the waiting period before surgery in the Emergency Department Odense University Hospital.
By Lisa Antonsen - MScN, PhD student at Common Emergency Department FAM, OUH
Link to published study in NursingOpen

The delivery room of the future

Region Central Jutland - 2016
Study protocol for a randomized trial evaluating the effect of a "birth environment room" versus a standard labor room. Reference to MusiCure.