News 2024 - About research and development of MusiCure
The composer of MusiCure Niels Eje present the new research results

Presentation of MusiCure at Skejby hospital, Aarhus Denmark

An inspiring afternoon in the multi-room at Skejby department K Psychiatry, with many interested guests, who experienced a presentation of the evidence-based MusiCure music and stimulating film with nature. A demonstration of the MusiCure pillow, which all participants had the opportunity to test. Research with MusiCure has taken place since 1999 and the results are today published in more than 35 articles in international medical journals, and a review of the studies led to an exciting dialogue with both the department's patients and staff. Thanks to Anne Kildegaard Hansen for the initiative and inspiring introduction with her own MusiCure experiences.

Agreement with PHILIPS Healthcare in Europe

MusiCure in Healthcare ApS has entered into a supply agreement as 3rd party supplier (Sustainability supplier agreement) with PHILIPS Healthcare Europe in 2023.
The agreement implies that our special product 'MusiCure Pillow' has been given a product number in the Philips catalog and can be ordered directly with
PHILIPS 12NC number for the MusiCure Pillow: 989806105804

September 2023: New published study from Japan

The study is about the physiological and psychological effect of the special 'Relaxation Chair' produced by Proassist Ltd. in Japan, also launched by Wellness Nordic in Denmark and internationally.
The research project and article was carried out and written by Takahiro KAKEDA from Kawasaki City Collage of Nursing.
The article describes how the MusiCure music is integrated into the chair and how very positive results are shown, compared to an ordinary chair. The participants in the study were healthy adult men and the comparison with sitting in an ordinary chair, the study was able to demonstrate a significant decrease in stress, tension, anxiety, confusion and discomfort.
The article is published in the 'International Journal of Affective Engineering' vol. 22 2023 and can be read in full text version here:
Effects of a Relaxation Chair for Stress Relief in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Study

Better environment in hospitals with special MusiCure nature films

A pleasant and more motivating environment in hospitals and care centers is important, both for patients of all ages, residents and staff, but also for the relatives who come to visit.
This applies very much also to the experience of the sound environment, and the content shown on the TV screens set up in the departments, institutions and waiting rooms. Here, it is certainly not an absolute obviousness that only stressing and scary TV news should be shown from morning to night.
Several departments in Region South Denmark, i.a. OUH and OUH Svendborg, have tested and conducted research with our MusiCureStream films and music programs since 2016, and all experiences show significantly positive changes for everyone who encounter this kind of hospital environment, rather than the stressful non-stop news shown on the TV screens.
Our originally developed material of nature films and music programs has been created and further developed over more than 20 years, precisely with the one purpose, to create a life-affirming and more motivating environment. MusiCureStream is still running after 6 years of use in the same departments, to the great delight and relaxation of the majority of people in the hospital...
Here you can see a small Spring trailer "The Enchantment of early spring", where nature wakes up after winter and everything comes to life again - with both our domestic birds and exotic guests. A two-minute journey through the spring forest, with our local Pearl Owl and Mandarin-ducks a Nordic river"

New article in the USA about the Danish study

Reference: Green Valley Team - Natural Treatment Surprises ER Doctors

"Being rushed to the hospital for a health emergency such as appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, or inflammation of the gall bladder will cause a great deal of pain and physical and emotional stress."New article in the USA about the Danish study in the emergency department. at OUH with the MusiCure Pillow. A recently published study with emergency patients at Odense University Hospital, led by PhD student nurse Lisa Antonsen, describes how patients waiting for surgery experienced lying on the MusiCure pillow and listening to Niels Eje's music while waiting. Link: MusiCurePillow

New published research article with MusiCurePillow

by Lisa Antonsen (1),Karin Brochstedt Dieperink (2,3,4) Christina Østervang (1,4)

1) Department of Emergency Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
2) Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
3) Family Focused Healthcare Research Centre (FaCe), University of Southern Denmark
4) Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Music in the acute preoperative nursing care

In the study, a specially composed MusiCure program was played through the MusiCure pillow for 30 patients (quantitative part) and 15 patients (qualitative part), who all received the music intervention in the emergency department at Odense University Hospital prior to surgery.

The aim was to investigate the relationship between music and pain, relaxation and well-being, and to investigate patients' experience of listening to music while waiting for emergency surgery. The participants were offered the MusiCure pillow for 30 minutes in the preoperative process. Before and after the intervention, participants reported their leves of pain, relaxation and well-being using a visual analogue scale from 0 to 10. The qualitative part was based on field observation followed by a semi-structured interview.

The primary results of this study showed that participants experienced both physical and psychological well-being by listening to music while waiting for emergency surgery, and that there is a significant association between a 30-minute music intervention and acute preoperative patients' self-reported pain, relaxation and general well-being.

Overall, this study found that acute preoperative patients experienced physical and psychological well-being by feeling relaxed and distracted from pain and anxiety.

Lisa Antonsen with MusiCure Pillow MScN, PhD student - Acute Care OUH, Denmark

Presentations by MusiCure September & October 2022

Healing Environments in Healthcare -  World Trade Center - Stockholm Sweden on September 20
Delegation within Health from the Czech Republic - Odense Congress Center Denmark, 11 October


Healing and stimulating environments
in the Healthcare system -
presented at the Danish Embassy in Stockholm

The embassy, together with partners in the healthcare sector, invites to a full-day seminar on 'Healing Environment in Healthcare' at the World Trade Center, Klarabergsviadukten 70, 111 64 Stockholm on September 20, 2022 - 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
We look forward to presenting our evidence-based MusiCure music and film, used daily in hospital treatment and research - where we, among other results, presents Professor Ulrica Nilsson's pioneering research within the effect of music on patients. Presentations of the research behind the music, by Niels Eje and Inge Mulvad Eje, founders and creators of MusiCure music and film.
Healing environments in the healthcare system have become an integral part of the treatment options today in hospitals, elderly care, psychiatry, intensive care, recovery after surgery, and many other areas.

NEWS August 2022
Updating of internationally published 
articles featuring MusiCure

Music interventions before and during a colonoscopy

Effect of music intervention in colonoscopy-naïve adults: a randomised controlled trial
Authors: Lone Dragnes Brix and Anne Sofie Bomholt Pedersen
Published in British Journal of Nursing, may 2022
A high level of patient satisfaction was found in the music group and a decrease in men's blood pressure and heart rate before the colonoscopy, indicating a reduced stress level. Overall high satisfaction with the music on the part of the patients, but this study was unable to show a significant effect on pain and anxiety.

Significant difference in sleep quality

Effects of music during daytime rest in the intensive care unit 
Authors: Isabella P Hansen MScN, Leanne Langhorn MScN, PhD, Pia Dreyer MScN, PhD. Published in Nursing in Critical Care 2017
The study concludes that there was a significant difference in sleep quality in the intervention group that listened to music, compared to the control group. Listening to music on rest days improves subjective sleep in intensive care unit patients. Furthermore, there is evidence that listening to music reduces the subjective experience of noise in some patients.

Music intervention for sleep quality in critically ill and surgical patients: a meta-analysis 
Authors: Ellaha Kakar, Esmée Venema, Johannes Jeekel, Markus Klimek, Mathieu van der Jagt 
Published in BMJ Open, maj 2021
In this article, the systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using music showed that recorded music interventions significantly increase sleep quality in critically ill patients.

Authors: Signe Lund Mathiesen(1), Qian Janice Wang (1), Lena Aadal (2,3), Morten Laulund Uldbæk(4), Peter Astrup(5) & Derek Victor Byrne(1)
Published 2021 in MDPI Food
The results from this study show that improved acoustics and music playback during lunchtime can improve mealtime mood, patient well-being, and social interaction, potentially supporting patient food intake and nutritional status. The results are discussed in relation to potential future implications for the health sector. Reference in Article: MusiCure in Healthcare & Acoustic images AKUART A/S - references to the authors:
1.Department of Food Science, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. 2.Hammel Neurorehabilitation and Research Center, 8450 Hammel, Denmark;
3. Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 
4.LYdBEHAG, 8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark.
5. Test and Development Center for Welfaretech, 8800 Viborg, Denmak

NEWS May 2022

Presentation of new results with MusiCure by composer Niels Eje 

At the Annual Meeting of the Snoezel Network on 29. April 2022 in Middelfart, DK, with the theme "Music and vibration as medicine", Niels Eje presented background and latest research with MusiCure music and film, and demonstrated the MusiCure Pillow, which has shown very positive results in the treatment of delirium patients.

Niels Eje and Tina Skaarup Blenstrup presented The new Cocoon comfort Chair containing a new produced MusiCure program

In their May issue, the Canadian journal "Dementia Connections" has published a new article about the composer Niels Eje, who has created and developed the original MusiCure compositions, based on 20 years of independent research from several countries. The music is created to de-stress, motivate and inspire people who are admitted to hospitals and care centers at home and abroad.
Here is a link to the journal, where the article will later be available online, on page 29:

Positive results with MusiCure Pillow for delirium patients

New results with the MusiCure Pillow for delirium patients.
North Zealand Hospital, Hillerød, Denmark, publish their very positive results with the MusiCure Pillow's effect on delirium patients. Positive results that correspond to the previously announced results from Hvidovre Hospital.
Reference: 'Report from North Zealand Hospital 2020 'Music as a complimenting treatment method for inpatients with delirium' PDF report written by Camilla Engelstoft Hess Clinical nursing specialist, cand.cur.

The report concludes: The purpose of the improvement project was to test the effect of the MusiCure pillows as a complementary treatment method for patients who developed delirium during hospitalization. The intervention period showed that the patients who received music went out of delirium faster and needed less sedative medication. It must therefore be argued that the music pillows can be used as a first priority before any sedative medication is used to treat delirium. In addition, the use of the music pillows resulted in the less need for the use of permanent guards when patients were listening to the music. The department's financial expenses, associated with the use of permanent guards, were therefore significantly reduced during the intervention period.

Also an article in the local newspaper SN 10th May 2020
"Pillows with built-in music are a hit at the hospital"
Based on the good results from both Hvidovre and North Zealand Hospitals, the MusiCure Pillows are now also tested on delirium patients at several other hospitals, including Herlev and Rigshospitalet.

TV feature and article in Danish TV2 Lorry
An eight-week trial of MusiCure pillows at Hvidovre Hospital has now been completed successfully. The pillows that can potentially reduce the cost of medication are now becoming a regular part of the treatment.
Watch features about the project on TV2 Lorry


Autumn 2021

MusiCure in the USA
The organization HEALTHCARE DENMARK has now published a news article about the introduction of MusiCure music and films in the American hospitals.
MusiCure is created by Inge and Niels Eje, and in collaboration with their American partner Scandic Health, founded by nurse Anne Taylor, it has now been successfully implemented  in several hospitals in the USA.
More than 20 years of development and evidence is the foundation for the creation of MusiCure music and the specially produced films with nature, which represents a stimulating supplement to the experience of the music.
See the news about MusiCure in the USA from Healthcare Denmark here:
Innovative Danish sound solution - Healthcare Denmark

Healthcare DENMARK is a public/private portal which represents the international community's overall approach to Danish healthcare expertise and innovation. Healthcare Denmark's partners include The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Business and Growth, Danish Regions, and Danish Industry and Business organizations. H.R.H. Crown Princess Mary is the patron of Healthcare DENMARK  
About Healthcare Denmark

"Surgery patients wake up in the middle of the forest" References:
Dorthe Hasfeldt-Hansen Clinical Nursing Researcher, Ph.D. & Postdoc.
Anesthesiology-Intensive Care Unit V OUH and Department Nurse Britt Darley.

November 2021

November 2021
Important notice for our visitors and customers: The previous MusiCure web shop closes down per. December 1st, where our new web site is launched.
The MusiCure CDs will thus no longer be available online - we refer instead to our streaming service MusiCure Stream, where all MusiCure material (music and nature films, including all the original albums) is available for direct streaming at: 

New updated results from OUH Anesthesiology-Intensive Care Department V. showing MusiCure films with music for patients waking up after surgery. A survey with over 300 patients, showed that 98% of the patients found it soothing and relaxing to wake up after surgery, 94% of the nurses expressed the same conclusion.
"Surgery patients wake up in the middle of the forest"
Text: Tine Gündvad Polat - Photo: Heidi Lundsgaard

Event at Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet auditorium I - 2018

Niels Eje was invited as a keynote speaker at the Cardiological Nursing Symposium at Rigshospitalet, with the participation of nurses from the Capital Region and Region Zealand. Here, the latest research results and publications with MusiCure were presented.

Niels Eje as keynote speaker, Rigshospitalet DK

August 2018
MusiCure Pillow tested on demented citizens.
A comprehensive user study of the MusiCure pillow and its effect on demented citizens was conducted at an elderly care center in the spring of 2018 in Favrskov municipality, Central Jutland Region. The purpose of the study is to test the use of the MusiCure pillow and music over a longer period of time and the results of the overall study are now published in a 20-page report, as well as in a brief user guide. The test of the pillow with a speciel MusiCure program was rated 5 stars out of 5 and showed a significant improvement in the mental state of the demented citizens.